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5 Health Benefits Of Pomegranates For Your Heart

How healthy your heart is has a lot to do with what you eat. The American Heart Association suggests incorporating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and pomegranate can be one of them. The ruby red pomegranate has been traditionally used for medicinal purposes in many cultures. An 8 oz serving of pomegranate juice will give you about 150 calories. It is a good source of vitamin K, potassium, and folate and also contains vitamins B6, B5 or pantothenic acid, and E. Pomegranates are rich in plant chemicals like flavonoids and tannins which give it potent antioxidant properties and can benefit your health in many ways. Let’s take a look at what these amazing fruits can do for your heart. 1. Lowers Blood Pressure High blood pressure can damage your arteries which may become blocked, leading to heart attacks or strokes. It can also raise your risk of developing heart failure (where the heart can’t pump sufficient blood) by 2 to 3 times. If your blood pressure is too high ...


Exotic foods are very hard to find, but they worth your effort to find them. The exotic foods play an important role for boosting the immunity. They are powerful antioxidants and nutrients. Here is the list of those 7 superfoods that will boost your immune system:

1. Acai Berry

It is reddish- purple fruit. It is native to Central and South America. It is rich in antioxidants. They are good in the reduction of inflammation, fight against leukemia and heart disease, losing weight and energy. It reduces inflammation because it contains large amounts of anthocyanins. All the diseases are helped by reducing inflammation. It fights against leukemia. It is found that it destroys the cancer cells. Acai Berry fights against heart disease thanks to the antioxidants and fiber it contains. The antioxidants and fiber reduce the level of cholesterol.Acai berries can help not only to lose weight but also maintain a healthy weight. An interesting study reveals that acai berries have the ability to reduce the effects of high levels of fat in the diet. Thanks to the overall health benefits, acai berry can lead to an increase in the general level of energy and endurance, and can help fight fatigue and exhaustion.

2. Goji Berry

They are red berries from China. They protect your skin, heart and eyes. They are also used for losing weight. They contain compounds that are lipotropic, and they help the liver to get rid of the fat, and burn the calories. Goji berry protects the eyes from age-related issues. They are rich in antioxidants which are important for our eyes. They contain beta carotene and zeaxanthin. These compounds protect our eyes.

3. Dulse

It is another superfood from the sea, rich in many minerals, essential acids and vitamins and also has antioxidant features. It has reddish-brown color.

4. Nori

The richest plant with dark green color is the source of protein. It protects our health and lowers the risk of cancer.

5. Wakame

It is a sea vegetable and has salty taste. It is rich source of minerals. The wakame can be added in to soups, salads or you can eat it as a raw for breakfast. When it is cooked becomes soft.

6. Hijiki

In Japan it is called the “beauty vegetable”. Hijiki is a sea vegetable. It helps you to have healthy skin and hair, gives shiny hair, and also helps in boosting the immune system.

7. Maca

Its root is a rich source of iron, helping in the process of restoring the red blood cells. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and anemia, balances the hormones and is good for bone strength.


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