The feeling of having stomach problems can be really unpleasant, but fortunately there are simple and natural ways that for a limited time can overcome the difficulties. Here are some of the best natural upset stomach remedies:
Mint is one of the best herbs used to treat pain in the intestines and obstacles in digestion, and the oil it contains, especially menthol and mint, relax the smooth muscles which are lining the digestive tract, which helps in reducing painful spasms. It stimulates the digestion, mint can prevent the bloating.
The vitamin water will especially be useful for digestion and the stomach.
– 2 liters of water
– 1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger
– 2 medium sized cucumber
– 1 lemon
– 12 mint leaves
Cut the cucumber and the lemon into tiles.The trimmed tiles put in a glass bowl and add the remaining ingredients and pour it all with water. Place the mixture in the freezer and leave it stay at least 8 hours. The ingredients in the vitamin water have particular effects on the stomach, because it calms the digestion and it also frees the body from toxins collected.
Bananas are full of potassium that helps the digestive system to function properly. They are easily digestible, so your stomach will require further work. Among other things, it is also rich in soluble fiber which help in preventing diarrhea.
Orange juice
The problem with digestion is sometimes caused by the reduced amount of stomach acid which is compensated with the natural acids in orange. So if you have problems with the stomach, it is advisable to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice before you eat. Also, if you want to avoid extra pains and gases, avoid to consume combined with carbohydrates.
Just like bananas, the rice is easily digested in the body, so there is no need for too much work in the stomach. Because rice contains a small amount of fiber, as well as rusks and boiled potatoes, it’s the food that fits perfectly into your diet after you overeat.
Apple vinegar
According to a scientific research, apple vinegar is not only helpful for digestion, but also reduces stomach cramps. It is enough to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of antibacterial honey mixed in a glass of water. In this way the stomach pain will be reduced.
Eating rusks is an old remedy for stomach because it absorbs toxins from the stomach.
It is known that the ginger helps in reducing the stomach pain. It is enough to be consumed as a tea or supplement meals.
The wort has been known for its healing properties.It can be used as herb that helps in soothing the pain in the stomach.
Wort oil
This oil is great for the coatings, relaxation massage, relaxation and as a remedy for stomach aches. To soothe the pain in the stomach take it three times a day. Drinkthe oil half an hour before meals.
You will need:
– 1 cup of iced tea of chamomile,
– 1 cup of strawberries,
– 1 cup of pineapple chunks,
– 300 ml yogurt with probiotics
– 1 tablespoon of honey
– 1 cup of ice cubes.
You have to mix the ingredients in a blender.
Baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent remedy for constipation and stomach problems at all. The solving recipe is this one: dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in ¼ cup of warm water and drink this beverage.
Chamomile tea
It has anti inflammatory properties and relaxes the muscles. To soothe the stomachache you need:
-1 teabag of chamomile tea
-hot water
-a mug
Put the teabag in a hot water and cover it with mug. Leave it to stay for 10 minutes.
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