Fruits and vegetables green have a healing effect on our body. Practically all contain a minimum of calories, while at the same, wealth of vitamins and minerals.In addition, green fruits and vegetables in a great manner clean our body and accelerate the metabolism. They are recommended in detoxifying the body. Beverages of green fruit and vegetables can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and serve as an excellent substitute for lunch. They are very simple to prepare. Everything you need to do is: chop the fruits and vegetables in a blender until a homogeneous mixture appear, if necessary, add a little water in the case if the drink is too thick.
Six varieties of green detoxification:
Apple + avocado + lettuce + kiwi
The juice made of apple, avocado and kiwi, surprisingly well can supplement the leaves of green lettuce. This ingredients can make a great base for a high-energy green juice that will satisfy you and keep you going for hours.
Due to the very low caloric value (salad is one of the top ten dietetic foods) it possesses the properties of metabolism recovery and cleansing. It is also full of iron.
Here is some other benefits of this juice: Lower cholesterol, guard against eye disease, help fight oral cancer, prevent breast cancer and has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer.
Cucumber + parsley
An excellent soft drink for late evening. Cucumber is 90% composed of water, so thanks to this feature, this drink is excellent for drinking in hot weather. If you add a few leaves of parsley, you can get a fantastic combination of freshness and benefits. The unique properties of parsley are in its rich chemical composition. 100 g of this plant contain a two-day dose of vitamin C and carotene, which is sometimes that we missed in the warm days.
Apple + lime+ cucumber + cilantro leaves
This drink is a little bit sweet, a little bit tart, a little bit fruity, and a little bit herbal.
Amazing refreshing as is, it’s also good with gin and or tonic water.
Lime not only contributes in eliminating toxins from our body, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves health overall, improve your mood.
Pepper + lemon juice
At first glance, it is quite an unusual combination. But it is full feeling and light.
The content of the vitamins in the B group in green peppers helps fight stress, calms, improves memory. If you constantly feel chronic fatigue, this drink is made for you.
At first glance, it is quite an unusual combination. But it is full feeling and light.
The content of the vitamins in the B group in green peppers helps fight stress, calms, improves memory. If you constantly feel chronic fatigue, this drink is made for you.
This drink is also a great energy booster.
To overestimate the beneficial properties of broccoli is likely impossible. This type of vegetable has a high protein content, which makes it indispensable for vegetarians. Moreover, broccoli is an excellent substitute for meat, when in the hot summer days we do not want to eat heavy food.
Broccoli is an excellent dietary product, which helps in releasing salts form heavy metals from our organism. In combination with apple and lime, you can get a very interesting drink that you can drink in the evening.
Celery + apple
This is the most widespread variant of green beverage. Celery – is a great tonic vegetable. It is believed that has the ability to excellent liberates toxins. Low fat has calming effect, and this is very useful for large load, and for using in the heat.
The infusion of celery and apple perfect will suit both for breakfast and for lunch.
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