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5 Health Benefits Of Pomegranates For Your Heart

How healthy your heart is has a lot to do with what you eat. The American Heart Association suggests incorporating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and pomegranate can be one of them. The ruby red pomegranate has been traditionally used for medicinal purposes in many cultures. An 8 oz serving of pomegranate juice will give you about 150 calories. It is a good source of vitamin K, potassium, and folate and also contains vitamins B6, B5 or pantothenic acid, and E. Pomegranates are rich in plant chemicals like flavonoids and tannins which give it potent antioxidant properties and can benefit your health in many ways. Let’s take a look at what these amazing fruits can do for your heart. 1. Lowers Blood Pressure High blood pressure can damage your arteries which may become blocked, leading to heart attacks or strokes. It can also raise your risk of developing heart failure (where the heart can’t pump sufficient blood) by 2 to 3 times. If your blood pressure is too high


Rheumatoid arthritis is a diseases that causes chronic inflammation of joints. This is an autoimmune disease, because the immune system turns against tissues and structures and attacks them. The search for the right medicine can last long. But, the good news is that you can prevent this kind of diseases with proper diet, natural herbs or juices. People who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis and similar problems know how to appreciate the moments of absence of pain. Fruits and vegetables that are effective are: ginger, pineapple, papaya, blueberries, spinach, grapes, carrots, apples, celery, broccoli, pears, curcuma, lettuce and garlic. Some of the effective juices are:

1. Curcuma and ginger
-2 cups of water;
-1/2 small spoon of ground ginger;
-1/2 small spoon ground curcuma;
-honey as you like.

2.Apple juice and honey
-One spoon fresh apple juice;
-One spoon of honey;
-Put the apple juice and the honey in a cup of hot water.

3. Pineapple, carrot and celery juice:
-5 Carrots;
-2 Celery;
-114 grams of pineapple (it can be slice or pieces);
– one spoon of lemon juice

4. Broccoli-carrot juice
-1/2 Broccoli pieces;
-3 Carrots;
-1 Cored apple
-1/2 peeled lemon.

5. Black pineapple
-1 cup of blackberries;
-2 slices of pineapple;
-1/2 cup of blueberries;
-1/2 cup of raspberries;
-3 parsley twigs.

6. Potato juice
The potato contains minerals and potassium and organic salt that have anti-inflammatory features. You should cut one piece of potato (with peel) a nd put it in a glass of water. You should consume the juice in the morning before breakfast.


  1. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer that spread to 1 lymph node April 2016. he had 2 tumors one at 3 cm and the other at 5 cm. we were given no hope whatsoever. He was in such bad shape he couldn't get chemo or radiation. We had no choice then, other than to keep on taking him to the hospital, but all efforts to treat him in the hospital was to no avail, we almost lose hope, until a friend of mine told me about a herbal doctor who cured his kidney disease, I was left with no choice than to contact the herbal doctor, because I was not ready to lose my Dad yet, so I contacted him and before the next day he sent me a mail, and I explained to him what My Dad was passing through, and he told me he could cure my Dad, but I had doubt in my mind because he asked me to send money to him to get the items to prepare the Cancer cure for my Dad, but I gave it a second thought and sent him the money, because nothing is worth more than human life, and as soon as he received it, he sent me a message and told me that he will prepare the cure in 2 days and send it to me on the third day, I was still thinking that I have fell victim of Scam, not knowing I was with the right doctor, so after 2 days he told me to send him my address, and behold I received a package on the third day from Courier delivery service, and I opened it and it was the cancer cure for my Dad, I followed his instructions on how to use the medication, and after 5 days of use I was shocked to see my Dad in a more healthy condition, and my Dad used the cure for two weeks, and the Herbal doctor told me to take my Dad to the hospital for check up, and I did, to my greatest surprise, the Doctor couldn't find any symptoms of cancer on my Dad, and this is how my Dad became hale and healthy again,
    the herbal Doctor's name is Dr. Douglas, he is the best herbal doctor I have ever come across,
    if there is anyone here that needs his help, kindly contact him on his email address via:

    He also has cure to various diseases such as:

    I'm forever Indebted to this great doctor a life saver
    I wish every one here good luck in finding cure to there diseases or helping their loved ones get cure to certain diseases,
    I know how it feels to have a sick person around you, it brings sadness


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