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5 Health Benefits Of Pomegranates For Your Heart

How healthy your heart is has a lot to do with what you eat. The American Heart Association suggests incorporating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and pomegranate can be one of them. The ruby red pomegranate has been traditionally used for medicinal purposes in many cultures. An 8 oz serving of pomegranate juice will give you about 150 calories. It is a good source of vitamin K, potassium, and folate and also contains vitamins B6, B5 or pantothenic acid, and E. Pomegranates are rich in plant chemicals like flavonoids and tannins which give it potent antioxidant properties and can benefit your health in many ways. Let’s take a look at what these amazing fruits can do for your heart. 1. Lowers Blood Pressure High blood pressure can damage your arteries which may become blocked, leading to heart attacks or strokes. It can also raise your risk of developing heart failure (where the heart can’t pump sufficient blood) by 2 to 3 times. If your blood pressure is too high ...


When a person feels exhausted after a long illness or has toxins in the body and the blood, the nature comes with its innumerable proposals. There are many easy and effective natural remedies that will help in purification and enhancing the blood.


This syrup is very healthy and is recommended to people who have poor blood count. You need the following ingredients: 1kg of beetroot, half kilogram of carrots, 3 small oranges, half of kilogram sour apples, 1 lemon and 500 grams of honey.

Preparation: You have to peel the beetroot, the carrots and the apples. Chop them into smaller pieces and then squeeze in a juicer. The lemon and oranges have to be squeezed separately and add them in the juice of the juicer. After this, add honey.

Put the syrup in glass containers. You have to drink the syrup every morning on an empty stomach.


Blackberries are herbal plants because of the abundance of sugar, vitamin C and iron. They contain fiber and are very good for the purification and enhancement of the blood. You will need:

1 dl of blackberries juice
1 dl of raspberry juice
1 dl dandelion juice
1 kg of honey
You can consume from this mixture 3 times a day.


You have to shred a long root of horseradish and add 1 teaspoon of honey, 3-4 peeled and crushed apples and 100 ml pure homemade wine. Apply this mixture on a piece of bread and eat it. This dose will be enough for two days. Repeat the same procedure once again.


You will need one beetroot, 1 potato and 10 carrots.

Put the ingredients in a blender and mix them. The potato has to be boiled. This drink cleans the blood and the liver from toxins. The beetroot helps in increasing the iron in the blood. Carrots are rich in vitamin A.


Here are the necessary ingredients: 1 apple, 1 beetroot, 8 carrots, 2 celery sticks and 3 cups of spinach.

Mix all the ingredients in blender and drink it before breakfast. This drink purifies the blood and is rich in iron, fiber and minerals, and it also has positive influence on the digestive system.


It contains oxalic acid, such as in the kiwi and strawberries. It contains fiber, protein, vitamins C, A, B6 and minerals iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. It abounds in polyphenolic acids and flavonoids. It purifies the blood and strengthens the resistance to the effects of radiation. It is also used to mitigate the effects of chemotherapy.


In order to prepare this mixture you will need:

– 2 tablespoons of dry sage
– 500 ml boiled water
– 1 lemon
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 2 tablespoons of honey

Put two tablespoons of dry sage in a half liter of boiled water. Cover it and let it to cool. Add one chopped lemon, two cloves of chopped garlic and two tablespoons of honey. Let it to stay for 5 minutes, then strain and drink it three times a day.


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